📄️ Introduction
Locksmith provides backend functionality for enabling ticketing, metadata storage, and notification hooks.
📄️ addEventToCollection
Add an event to a collection
📄️ addEventVerifier
Adds a verifier for an event.
📄️ addManagerToEventCollection
Add a new manager address to an event collection
📄️ applications
List applications created the user.
📄️ approveAttendeesRsvp
Approves users to attend an event. (does not airdrop!)
📄️ approveEvent
Approve a single event within an event collection.
📄️ approveRefunds
Approves refunds for an event.
📄️ approveRsvp
Approves a user to attend an event. (does not airdrop!)
📄️ approvedRefunds
Returns the merkle proof of an approved refund.
📄️ balance
📄️ bulkApproveEvents
Bulk approve multiple events within an event collection.
📄️ bulkRemoveEvents
Bulk remove multiple events from an event collection.
📄️ cancelSubscription
Cancel a fiat subscription.
📄️ capturePurchase
Capture a purchase
📄️ checkClaim
Check if claim is possible for a given purchase
📄️ checkEventTicket
Mark an event ticket as checked in.
📄️ checkPrivyUser
Check if a user exists in Privy by email or wallet address
📄️ checkTicket
Mark a lock ticket as checked in.
📄️ claim
Claim a membership key for a lock. If not authenticated, requires an email in the body.
📄️ connectStripeAccount
Connect a stripe account to a lock
📄️ createApplication
Create application associated with user wallet.
📄️ createDownloadReceiptsRequest
Request the creation of a ZIP file containing all receipts for a lock.
📄️ createEventCollection
Create a new event collection
📄️ createLockContract
📄️ createTransferCode
Create a transfer code to transfer an airdropped key to an email address.
📄️ createVerifier
Create verifier. (deprecated in favor of addEventVerifier)
📄️ deleteApplication
Delete application by id.
📄️ deleteCheckoutConfig
Delete a checkout config
📄️ deleteEventVerifier
Removes a verifier for an event.
📄️ deleteVerifier
Remove verifier. (deprecated in favor of deleteEventVerifier)
📄️ denyAttendeesRsvp
Denies users to attend an event.
📄️ denyRsvp
Denies a user to attend an event. (does not airdrop!)
📄️ disconnectStripe
Disconnect stripe account.
📄️ downloadReceipts
Download the ZIP file containing all receipts for a lock.
📄️ ejectUser
Ejects a user given their public key. In the case of failure, a rejected promise is returned to the caller.
📄️ emailTicket
Send QR code by email.
📄️ eventVerifiers
List of verifiers for an event.
📄️ exportKeys
Starts Job process to get all the keys for the given lock
📄️ generateAppleWalletPass
Generate and return an Apple Wallet pass for a specified key associated with a lock.
📄️ generateCertificate
Generate certificate for specific key
📄️ generateGoogleWalletPass
Generate and return a Google Wallet pass for a specified key associated with a lock.
📄️ generateTicket
Generate a ticket for a key.
📄️ getChargesForLock
Get the price breakdown for recipients & total charges with fees for a specific lock
📄️ getCheckoutConfig
📄️ getCustomEmailContent
Get custom email content for a specific template and lock details
📄️ getDataForRecipientsAndCaptcha
Retrieves data for recipients and captcha.
📄️ getDataForRecipientsAndGitcoinPassport
Get the data for recipients and gitcoin passport. This is to be used in conjunction with the Gitcoin passport scorer.
📄️ getDataForRecipientsAndGuild
Get the data for recipients and guild. This is to be used in conjunction with the Guild
📄 ️ getEventCollection
Get details of an event collection
📄️ getEventDetails
Get the event details from lock
📄️ getEventTicket
get a ticket for a key by event.
📄️ getEvent
Retrieves an event based on its slug
📄️ getEventsInCollection
Get events in a collection
📄️ getExportedKeys
Get job result by job id
📄️ getLockSettingsBySlug
Get lock setting by slug
📄️ getLockSettings
Get saved lock settings
📄️ getLockStripeConnectionDetails
Returns Stripe connection details
📄️ getReceipt
Get receipt details
📄️ getReceiptsBase
Get supplier details
📄️ getReceiptsStatus
Retrieve the status of receipt generation for a lock.
📄️ getReceipts
Get all receipts for a lock
📄️ getStripeConnections
Lists the locks connected to Stripe for a user
📄️ getSubscription
Get an active subscription associated with the key. It can be fiat or crypto.
📄️ getTicket
get a ticket for a key by lock.
📄️ getUnapprovedEventsForCollection
Get unapproved events for a collection
📄️ getUserAccountType
Gets User account type by email.
📄️ getUserMetadata
get user metadata for a lock.
📄️ getUserPrivateKey
Given a user's email address, retrieves their private key. In the case of failure a rejected promise is returned to the caller.
📄️ getUserRecoveryPhrase
Given a user's email address, retrieves their recovery phrase. In the case of failure a rejected promise is returned to the caller.
📄️ getWaasToken
Gets Coinbase WAAS token for user by email and selected provider.
📄️ isCardPaymentEnabledForLock
Returns if credit card payment are enable for a lock
📄️ keyMetadata
Get key and user metadata.
📄️ keysByPage
List of lock keys by network with additional metadata if the caller is the lockManager
📄️ keys
List of lock keys by network with additional metadata if the caller is the lockManager (deprecated, use keys-by-page)
📄️ listCheckoutConfigs
A list of all checkout configs created by the user
📄️ listPaymentMethods
List payment methods for user.
📄️ lockMetadata
Get metadata for lock address.
📄️ loginWithPrivy
Verify an access token using Privy's library and authenticate the user
📄️ login
Login as a user using Sign in with Ethereum message signed by the wallet address.
📄️ logout
Logout from locksmith. This will invalidate all your session tokens.
📄️ nonce
Provide a unique nonce for using in sign in with ethereum
📄️ price
📄️ purchase
Create purchase intent for stripe.
📄️ reSubscribeEmail
resubscribe emails from lock
📄️ removeEventFromCollection
Remove a single event from an event collection.
📄️ removeManagerFromEventCollection
Remove a manager address from an event collection
📄️ removePaymentMethods
Remove all payment methods for a user
📄️ revoke
Invalidate a session.
📄️ rsvp
User applies to attend an event.
📄️ saveCustomEmailContent
Save custom email content for a specif lock.
📄️ saveEventData
Save event data
📄️ saveExternalEventData
Save external event data that is not associated with an Unlock lock
📄️ saveLockSetting
Save lock settings
📄️ saveMerkleTree
Saves a merkle tree from either a list of addresses or a list of [address, amount] tuples.
📄️ saveReceipt
Create purchaser details
📄️ saveReceiptsBase
Create supplier details.
📄️ sendCustomEmail
Send custom email to recipients
📄️ sendEventInvites
Send event invites to a list of recipients
📄️ sendVerificationCode
Sends a verification code to the user's email if the current code is expired or does not exist.
📄️ setupPayment
Setup a payment method for user.
📄️ signTicket
Generate signature to prove validity of token.
📄️ ticketQRCode
Get QR code for the key.
📄️ ticketVerificationUrl
Get the verification URL for the key.
📄️ transferDone
Finalize the transfer of a key to a recipient. This is to copy over any locksmith related data to the recipient's account.
📄️ unsubscribeEmail
Unsubscribe email from lock
📄️ updateApplication
Update application by id.
📄️ updateCheckoutConfig
A new checkout config is created or updated if it already exists
📄️ updateEventCollection
Update an existing event collection
📄️ updateEventData
Update event data
📄️ updateKeyMetadata
Update or create metadata for key.
📄️ updateLockMetadata
Update or create metadata for lock address.
📄️ updateUserEncryptedPrivateKey
Updates a user's private key, using their email address as key. In the case of failure a rejected promise is returned to the caller.
📄️ updateUserMetadata
Update or create user metadata for lock.
📄️ updateUsersMetadata
Update or create user metadata for lock.
📄️ uploadImages
Upload images to locksmith
📄️ user
Get user details.
📄️ verifier
Check if an address is a verifier of the lock. (deprecated in favor of eventVerifier)
📄️ verifiers
List of verifiers for the lock address. (deprecated in favor of eventVerifiers)
📄️ verifyEmailCode
Verifies the email code sent to the users email address.